Hola I’m Yetzirah.

Let me share with you my love for photography!

I’m originally from Mexico, becoming a professional photographer has been a lifelong journey.

My artistic spirit has always been an integral part of who I am, finding artistic expression in a variety of forms. From very early on I explored painting as part of my post-school extracurricular activities and for over 15 years practiced ballet and various other styles of dance.

While doing a degree in Interior Design & Landscaping in my homeland, Mexico, photography was an enchanting hobby that I couldn't let go of.

After being deeply immersed in motherhood for years, I had a transformative period of my life where I realised I was happiest surrounded by mothers and their little ones.

It was then that I took the decision to pick up my camera and make a career out of photographing families.

The pursuit of knowledge is paramount for me and becoming a professional photographer has been a long journey of constant commitment to learning, growing and evolving.

Discovering that photography could not only be a creative outlet but also a career was a revelation that to this day, fills me with profound satisfaction.

Yetzirah Photography has been a dream come true as it allows me to combine all the things I am passionate about and feel naturally good at doing.

When the camera is set aside, my free time is a canvas for creativity, indulging in refurbishing furniture and painting murals.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me.

Whether you're a new parent eagerly anticipating the arrival of your little one, hoping to capture the fleeting moments of your baby's first days or wanting to capture the love and bonds of your family, I look forward to meeting you and being a part of your journey.

Heartfelt Thanks

I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to all the wonderful individuals who have played an integral part in Yetzirah Photography.

To my dear husband & son, who have stood by me every step of the way and offered their unconditional and unwavering support and understanding. Your encouragement has been invaluable in shaping this venture and fuels my passion.

To my beloved parents, you have been my pillars of strength. Thank you for your kind words and guidance that inspire me to always work harder and follow my dreams.

To my dearest friends who have not only listened to me but also stood by me and carried me through the challenging moments and celebrated the acheivements along the way.

I extend my deepest gratitude to my mentor and dear friend, Liz Aldaz,  I am deeply thankful for guiding me through the complexities of the photography world. Her invaluable insights have been a guiding light, aiding me in overcoming challenges and fostering continuous growth. Liz, your wisdom has made an indelible impact on my journey, and I can't thank you enough for being such a crucial part of my journey!

A special thank you to the families and individuals who have entrusted me with capturing their precious moments. Your belief in my work has been the driving force behind every photograph, and I am honoured to be a part of your memories.